The Canadian ISP „Rogers” has started to kill all bittorrent traffic on their network. Rogers uses a bit-shaping application to throttle the traffic that is generated by Bittorrent and other p2p applications. It’s ironic that the same ISP advertises with the slogan: „for sharing large files and much more”. Well, there’s not much to share […]

s-a tras cortina. poate va reveni, poate nu… motive multe si variate. cel mai mare ar fi o constantă nesimţire a userilor a dus la un stress al staffului, lucru care a facut sa nu mai fie distracţie, ci obligaţie. şi cum nu ne plătea nimeni, nu există obligaţii decât între noi, cei 14 care […]

am gasit astea pe un tracker romanesc. Married.With.Children-Season.05.DVDRip.XviD-RSN Married.With.Children-Season.06.XviD-RSN am sărit de bucurie să le iau şi când colo, ţeapă…nu sunt dvdrip, sunt tvrips, am găsit unul chiar făcut de mine, de acum mulţi ani… un episod dvdrip are ~180mb. nu vă lasaţi păcăliţi de nesimţiţi! link1, link2 married*RSN not found in PRE database Married_With_Children.1×02.Thinergy.DVDRip_XviD-FoV […]

µtorrent e noua stea pe firmamentul clienţilor bittorrent. e un singur fişier, e mic, consumă puţine resurse. este un vis. sau nu. lucruri bune ar fi interfaţa uşoară şi customizabilă, resursele consumate, alinierea la standardele bittorrent, peer locator. e destul de ok să îţi ia ochii şi să te facă să îl foloseşti. la o […]

Subject: NetStat user registration confirmation From: admin_at_netstat Date: Mon, 10 Jan 2005 18:38:14 +0200 To: zosolino_at_gmail You have requested a new user account on NetStat and you have specified this address (zosolino_at_gmail) as user contact. To confirm your user registration, you have to follow this link: înainte să fie şi făcut public, se numea […]

ce este warezul, anyway? ce facem? de ce? cum? cine? credeţi-mă, adesea, e mai bine să nu ştiţi ce se întâmplă dincolo de heirupism. tot ce încercam să facem este să aducem ceva bun în comunitate. pentru cei care nu au posibilitatea să îşi procure singuri. pentru cei care s-au săturat de falsuri. ce cerem […]

In the ongoing effort against movie piracy, top providers have become gleaming target. Largely responsible for introducing highly sought after material, top providers are a highly competitive entity that prioritize public recognition over associated risks. Earlier this morning, several top warez providers found themselves shut down at the hands of local police and the entertainment […]

(1) DRM technology will still fail to prevent widespread infringement. In a related development, pigs will still fail to fly. (2) The RIAA will quietly reduce the number of lawsuits it files against end users. read full story

pe categorii categoria „stă toata ziua deschis” total commander – tatăl file managerelor. ştie multe, face de toate, are bookmarks, e customizabil. l-am instalat în 2001 într-un director şi nu a mai plecat de acolo. îmi aduce aminte de vremurile lui norton commander. mirc – aka social life aka fun. probabil pentru că am învăţat […]

[19:19:26] <tDiesel> sal [19:19:33] <zoso> elo [19:19:50] <tDiesel> vroiam sa afli de la mine primul [19:20:00] <zoso> err [19:20:07] <tDiesel> dar la fel de bine vroiam sa am si eu confirmare [19:20:16] <zoso> vine politia la mine? [19:20:22] <tDiesel> ah nuu… lol [19:20:39] <tDiesel> aventura numita a luat sfarsit [19:21:25] <zoso> motive personale, politice […]

GUI Improved: enhance BCTP link command to lunch preview window GUI Improved: support xp themes in the embedded browser GUI Improved: no longer popup script error message in the embedded browser GUI Bugfix: the clip board can work in some user interface Core Improved: support wmv/asf file in the preview window Core Bugfix: fix the […]

P2P file-sharing levels continued to climb in November, both on a month-to-month and year-over-year basis. According to data supplied by DCIA industry data resource BigChampagne, the average number of simultaneous P2P users reached 6.86 million in the US, and 9.47 million globally. In the US, that represents a 4.78 percent increase over October figures, and […]

Illegal copies of movies sent to Oscar voters are starting to appear on the Web, said BayTSP, a Los Gatos, California-based intellectual-property monitoring firm. full story here The pirates rip, rip off or record studio producers’ DVDs, then press, package, purvey and profit from their plundering–to the tune of $3 billion-plus in pirated digital booty […]

2 days after Merry.Christmas.SithLord.aka.maVen.aka.Feeling.aka.JafferCake.aka.ScT.Admin.READNFO-SANTA, sct got fucked again. some1 hacked their webadmin last night and made everyone sysop. read ScT.Hacked.Material.Merry.X-Mas.GM, is funny…

i will write this in english, cause lately i’ve been receiving a lot of hits from outside romania, people wanting to read more about the banning of bitcomet on private trackers. Bitcomet is a good client. Easy to use, easy to set up. Supports speeds up to 10Mb/s and works good with private and public […]


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