1. Eric Schmidt, Larry Page, and Sergey Brin Executives, Google 2. Steve Jobs CEO, Apple 3. Bram Cohen Cofounder, BitTorrent 4. Mike Morhaime President, Blizzard Entertainment 5. Jimmy Wales Founder,Wikipedia 6. John Doerr Venture capitalist, Kleiner, Perkins, Caulfield & Byers 7. Craig Newmark Founder, Craigslist 8. Peter Levinsohn President, Fox Interactive Media 9. Marissa Mayer […]

Bittorrent tracker PirateBay.org, currently based in Sweden, plans to purchase the man-made island-country, Sealand, off the coast of the UK. Sealand is its own country, and the PirateBay would not be subject to the jurisdiction of any nations if it relocated to the island. TPB is seaking donations to help go through with this plan. […]

Bram Cohen, creatorul tehnologiei bittorrent, care a anunţat vineri că a cumpărat µTorrent? Nenea ăsta miroase ceva, tot face acorduri de distribuire a serialelor cu diverse reţele de televiziune, dar eu nu ştiu pe nimeni care să folosească serviciul pus la dispoziţie de compania lui. Mă rog, pentru siguranţă, puneţi bine versiunile actuale de µTorrent, […]

citeste urgent !!! alo – ma aude cineva sau ne suparam ? mare atentie !!! foarte important !!! the best movies avi-divx-xvid from the web torrent adica cele mai bune filme avi : dvdrip axxo , dvdrip saphire , dvdrip alliance , dvdrip diamond , dvdrip done , dvdrip iMBT , dvdrip KJS , dvdrip […]

cine si-a facut iluzii ca piratebay sunt niste pionieri simpatici care vor sa faca bine, s-a inselat. baietii scot 60.000€/luna din site si uneori chiar mai mult. read this

… here are some reasons why TPB is down sometimes – and how long it usually takes to fix: Tiamo gets *very* drunk and then something crashes: 4 days Anakata gets a really bad cold and noone is around: 7 days The US and Swedish gov. forces the police to steal our servers: 3 days […]

In the morning of 2006-05-31 the Swedish National Criminal Police showed a search warrant to Rix|Port80 personnell. The warrant was valid for all datacentres of Rix|Port80 and was directed at The Pirate Bay. The allegation was breach of copy-right law, alternatively assisting breach of copy-right law. piratebay, slyck, wirednews se pare că şi la bulgari […]

Last month, the Motion Picture Association of America announced one of its boldest sorties yet against online piracy: a barrage of seven federal lawsuits against some of the highest-profile BitTorrent sites, Usenet hosts and peer-to-peer services. Among the targets: isoHunt, TorrentSpy and eDonkey. But, as always, one prominent site is missing from the movie industry’s […]

Protejaza-te pe tine si pe cei dragi tie! Faimosul „Virtual Investigations v3.1 – Fara secrete” – s-a intors! Nu are nici o asemanare cu asa zisele softuri spion ce se vand pe eBay(tm) sau oriunde altundeva pe net. Acest program este o imbunatatire a unei versiuni mai vechi ce s-a bucurat de un mare succes […]

i will write this in english, cause lately i’ve been receiving a lot of hits from outside romania, people wanting to read more about the banning of bitcomet on private trackers. Bitcomet is a good client. Easy to use, easy to set up. Supports speeds up to 10Mb/s and works good with private and public […]

Lavasoft a dat o gherlă, scoţând câteva zile din Ad-Aware detecţia pentru WhenU, o porcărie de malware. Au repus detectarea recent, aşadar, pentru cei care încă mai folosesc Internet Explorer, faceţi update la definţii. Utilizatorii de Firefox dorm liniştiţi. Anakata de la ThePirateBay.org a mai primit nişte scrisori penale pe care le publică consecvent la […]

O ştire la fel de simpatică ca şi restul cu care presa înfierează mica noastră organizaţie. Şi încă una. Err, aţi fost online pe bittorrent şi aţi descărcat filmul şi acum vă faceţi datoria de jurnalist şi daţi în gât siturile warez, nu? Practic, voi nu greşiţi cu nimic, e o datorie morală si profesională […]


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