save afterdawn

salvaţi tot ce puteţi de pe în curand, situl se va modifica.
am pus teleportul să ia ghidurile…

Legea finlandeza zice…

  • Circumventing copy protections, even for personal use, will be illegal. (it states so in the law, even tho the government tried to argue that the right wont be pursued by government, but nothing stops record labels, movie studios, etc to do so)
  • Distributing (even for free) tools (whether physical devices or software) that allow circumventing copy protection mechanisms will be illegal. (this includes DVD rippers, tools that allow copying copy-protected CDs, etc)
  • Advertising tools that allow circumventing copy protection mechanisms will be illegal. (and the law doesn’t state how advertising is determined. So, basically simply linking to a page that has DVD ripper downloads from your own site can be considered „advertising”)
  • Possession of tools that allow circumventing copy protection mechanisms will be illegal. Even for personal use.
  • Guides on how to circumvent copy protection mechanisms can be considered as „tools” and thus are also illegal.
  • Worryingly, even „organized discussion” on how to circumvent copy protection mechanisms, will be illegal. (and no, Finland doesn’t have similar to American Supreme Court that determines whether laws are against constitution, but when laws are approved, they by default are in harmony with constitution and can’t be later overturned on basis that they are un-constitutional)

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2 comentarii

  1. Justitia e oarba, traiasca justitia!! e trista situatia… Oare afterdawn e cea mai mare problema? chestia asta imi aminteste de chioscurile lu’ Basescu : „Nu ti-l demontezi tu, ti-l facem praf noi” !

  2. Poti pune tutorialele pe un site, ceva, ca le-am pierdut.. Asta se intimpla cind cineva e cu 5 minute mai istetz..



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