myspace = 900 milioane $

Google a anuntat ca a incheiat un acord cu MySpace pentru a furniza reclame text si de cautare, oferind in schimb 900 milioane dolari pe un deal pe 4 ani.

Comunicatul de presa:

MOUNTAIN VIEW and LOS ANGELES, Calif., August 7, 2006 – News Corporation’s Fox Interactive Media and Google Inc. (NASDAQ: GOOG) today announced a multi-year search technology and services agreement whereby Google will be the exclusive search and keyword targeted advertising sales provider for Fox Interactive Media’s growing network of web properties including .

The agreement calls for Google to power web, vertical and site specific search for and the majority of Fox Interactive Media properties. Google will be the exclusive provider of text-based advertising and keyword targeted ads through its AdSense program, for inventory on Fox Interactive Media’s network. Google will also have a right of first refusal on display advertising sold through third parties on Fox Interactive Media’s network.

The integration of Google’s services including consistent search navigation across Fox Interactive Media’s network of properties is slated to begin in the fourth quarter 2006 and will provide users with access to Google’s industry leading search capabilities as well as text and display advertising from its global advertiser base.

Under the terms of the agreement, Google will be obligated to make guaranteed minimum revenue share payments to Fox Interactive Media of $900 million based on Fox achieving certain traffic and other commitments. These guaranteed minimum revenue share payments are expected to be made over the period beginning in the first quarter of 2007 and ending in the second quarter of 2010.

I’m at our Search Engine Strategies show in San Jose at the moment, so I don’t have time to do a long post on the news, which I’m still digesting. I’ve taken a number of phone calls on it already, so I’ll provided what I’ve given to some other reporters who have asked.

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5 comentarii

  1. Asteptam continuarea fireasca „google cumpara myspace cu 900 M$ !!!111”. „google – fox – ads” -> asta e stirea, nu „google – myspace – $$$ – omg”.

    Inteleg ca aia care fac stirile fac bani promovand rahatul zilei (fie el „myspace”, „web 2.0” sau mai stiu eu ce hype), nu pricep insa ce le iese bloggerilor independenti, acesti piloni ai impartialitatii in jurna.. omg! look! ponies!

  2. petre, ai pierdut ceva?

  3. Petre, un blog este un mjiloc de comunicare in primul rand. Si cel care il detine comunica ce simte el ca merita. Nu este obligatoriu sa citesti (bloguri). :)

  4. de astia ce zici

    ei cu cat se vor vinde? :P



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