joi, 13 aprilie 2006, 09:28
Eloquently weaves the science of global warming with Al Gore’s personal history and lifelong commitment to reversing the effects of global climate change. A longtime advocate for the environment, Gore presents a wide array of facts and information in a thoughtful and compelling way. The film is not a story of despair but rather a […]
luni, 3 aprilie 2006, 14:32
Bancul n# 1 Motion Picture Association of America, Inc. (MPAA) chairman Dan Glickman and Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) president Cary Sherman today announced the historic merger of the two organizations. The newly-created entity is being called the Music And Film Industry Association of America, Inc. The MAFIAA Bancul n# 2 Hollywood studios will […]
luni, 20 martie 2006, 11:42
Crash (2004) teo le zice cel mai bine aici. filmul e superb. Sabrina (1954) bulaaa bulaaa Billy Wilder e un geniu. The New World (2006) foarte incet, foarte foarte incet… Stoned (2005) povestea lui Brian Jones, membru fondator al Rolling Stones. e ok. muzica face filmul, Monet Mazur isi arata sanii
miercuri, 15 martie 2006, 22:21
SCLAV, -Ä‚, sclavi, -e, s.m. şi f. Persoană lipsită de orice drepturi, aflată în proprietatea deplină a unui stăpân de sclavi pentru care munceşte; rob. — Din lat. sclavus. Unii s-au recunoscut deja în definiţia de mai sus. Alţii vor fi în continuare nişte sclavi pidosnici, negându-şi adevărata chemare, aceea de sclavi. Ştiţi genul. Genul […]
marți, 14 martie 2006, 16:31
NEW YORK – Between an ugly feud among Blondie members spilling over onstage and a rancorous letter from the absent Sex Pistols, the latest Rock and Roll Hall of Fame class did not enter quietly on Monday. The animosity even made Ozzy Osbourne, inducted with Black Sabbath, seem sedate. full story
vineri, 10 februarie 2006, 23:20
Last week, Twentieth Century Fox said it will begin releasing movies to video-on-demand services simultaneously with DVD releases, a goal long sought by online companies like MovieLink, which have complained that they get films too late to compete with ordinary video rentals. But the „Bubble” experiment with unveiling DVDs at the same time as the […]
marți, 31 ianuarie 2006, 21:51
de la raluca un to do list (X) Smoked a cigar. (X) Crashed a friend’s car. ( ) Stolen a car. (X) Skipped school. (X) Slept with a co-worker. ( ) Been called a slut. (X) Had a one night stand. ( ) Made out with a member of the same seX. (X) Seen someone […]
marți, 31 ianuarie 2006, 21:39
Blogger: Term used to describe anyone with enough time or narcissism to document every tedious bit of minutia filling their uneventful lives. Possibly the most annoying thing about bloggers is the sense of self-importance they get after even the most modest of publicity. Sometimes it takes as little as a referral on a more poplar […]
marți, 24 ianuarie 2006, 21:05
In the ongoing effort against movie piracy, top providers have become gleaming target. Largely responsible for introducing highly sought after material, top providers are a highly competitive entity that prioritize public recognition over associated risks. Earlier this morning, several top warez providers found themselves shut down at the hands of local police and the entertainment […]
luni, 23 ianuarie 2006, 20:31
Protejaza-te pe tine si pe cei dragi tie! Faimosul „Virtual Investigations v3.1 – Fara secrete” – s-a intors! Nu are nici o asemanare cu asa zisele softuri spion ce se vand pe eBay(tm) sau oriunde altundeva pe net. Acest program este o imbunatatire a unei versiuni mai vechi ce s-a bucurat de un mare succes […]
duminică, 22 ianuarie 2006, 10:09
Speaking at a news conference to launch the report, IFPI chairman and CEO John Kennedy said that legal downloading in the U.K. and Germany from such sites as iTunes, Musicload and MSN exceeds that from illegal file sharing. „Predictions are always dodgy, but I do believe that by 2010, digital music will comprise 25% of […]
sâmbătă, 7 ianuarie 2006, 09:49
Video technology company DivX is partnering with Google to make Google Video accessible on a variety of consumer electronics devices, the companies announced Friday at the Consumer Electronics Show here. The DivX video-codec video compression technology offers DVD quality at 10 times the compression of traditional MPEG2 files, enabling a full-length film to fit on […]
miercuri, 28 decembrie 2005, 08:17
Illegal copies of movies sent to Oscar voters are starting to appear on the Web, said BayTSP, a Los Gatos, California-based intellectual-property monitoring firm. full story here The pirates rip, rip off or record studio producers’ DVDs, then press, package, purvey and profit from their plundering–to the tune of $3 billion-plus in pirated digital booty […]
duminică, 25 decembrie 2005, 17:55
2 days after Merry.Christmas.SithLord.aka.maVen.aka.Feeling.aka.JafferCake.aka.ScT.Admin.READNFO-SANTA, sct got fucked again. some1 hacked their webadmin last night and made everyone sysop. read ScT.Hacked.Material.Merry.X-Mas.GM, is funny…
sâmbătă, 17 decembrie 2005, 00:13
i will write this in english, cause lately i’ve been receiving a lot of hits from outside romania, people wanting to read more about the banning of bitcomet on private trackers. Bitcomet is a good client. Easy to use, easy to set up. Supports speeds up to 10Mb/s and works good with private and public […]