un banc

Un tip intra intr-un bar deschis recent in centrul Bucurestiului. La bar – un robot! Robotul ii serveste un cocktail perfect si-l intreaba:
– Cat ai IQ-ul?
– 150, raspunde omul.
Robotul incepe sa-i faca o conversatie cat se poate de agreabila despre factorii incalzirii globale, fizica cuantica si spiritualitate, biochimie, teoria coardelor, Constitutia europeana, nano-tehnologii si sexualitate orientala.
Clientul este impresionat si se decide sa faca un test. Iese din bar si se intoarce pentru o noua comanda.
Din nou, primeste un cocktail perfect si intrebarea despre IQ.
– 100.
De data aceasta, robotul vorbeste despre fotbal, formula 1, vedete TV, diete alimentare si scandalurile din PSD si Alianta DA.
Cu totul impresionat, tipul iese din bar si se intoarce pentru un test final. Robotul il serveste impecabil si pune intrebarea standard.
– aaaa… cred ca… aaa… 50, raspunde omul. La care robotul il intreaba:
– Nu-i asa ca la urmatoarele alegeri mergi cu Vadim sau Gigi? Astia patrioti adevarati!…

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16 comentarii

  1. super haios bancu

  2. Teoria coardelor!?!?! WTF?… HAL 9000 are o problema.

  3. danezia , probabil pentru ca teoria stringurilor suna a barbarism brutal.

  4. :)))))))))))

  5. E limpede, am IQ 100. :))))

  6. LOL, asta e bun!

  7. De ce ai pus doar tagul „furt” ?

  8. :) eu il stiu in original, unde la sfarsit era ceva de genul:
    -What’s your I.Q. ?
    -I guess… around 50
    -So.. you vote for Bush, eh?

  9. arise, era langa „fun”

  10. Albert Einstein is at a dinner party, where he knows no one but the host. The host introduces Einstein to four of his guests and then walks away, leaving Einstein by himself without any idea of what to talk about. Finally, the brilliant man comes up with an idea. He asks the first man, „Excuse me, sir, but what is your IQ?” The first man responds, „160.” Einstein is thrilled and says, „Fantastic, I can discuss astrophysics with you.” The first man says, „Why, absolutely, that is a hobby of mine!” Quite pleased with himself, Einstein asks the second man what his IQ is. The second man says, „about 135.” Einstein says, „Okay, we will discuss economics.” The second man responds happily, „Wonderful, I am a banker and love to watch the stock market.” Einstein then asks the third man what his IQ is. „I think it is somethin’ like 110.” Einstein is a little disheveled at this point and pauses in thought. Suddenly, he smiles and says, „I can probably discuss politics with you.” The third man nods in agreement and says, „Sure, we can.” Einstein, at this point thrilled that he has found things to talk about with three strangers then looks over the fourth man in the group. He seems confused and his jaw is slackened a bit. Einstein asks him what his IQ is. „IQ? Uh, I think it’s 85. 85 out of a hundred is pretty good, right?” Einstein furrows his brow and seems upset. He thinks for a few seconds, points, and then withdraws. He thinks for a few more seconds, points again, and then withdraws. Finally, he moves his head and points at the fourth man and says, „Go Yankees?

    asta e varianta originala

  11. Am vazut zeci de versiuni, de la aia cu Einstein la unele mai d-ale casei (care nu intarzie sa apara niciodata cand e vorba de un banc de genul asta), gen „Hai Dinamo!” :)

  12. bun bancul :D

  13. pig brother, din cate stiu eu… Teoria stringurilor se „prutenizeaza” ca Teoria corzilor.

    in definitiv mi se pare o tampenie sa traduci asha ceva.

  14. old :P

    Il stiam si.. tipic romanesc :D

  15. Modifica versiunea,baga jiji sau basescu :D

  16. tare! vitnam ,las’ mai bine-ashea;)



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