Despre blogurile de mămici, din America…

Josi Denise, o bloggeriță americană, care avea un blog de succes pe nișa de mămici, anunță azi că lumea asta a blogurilor de mămici e mizerabilă și că nimeni nu citește cu adevărat blogurile de acest tip. Și aceleași principii se aplică și la blogurile de frumusețe.

La noi e mai relaxat, mămicile sunt panicoase, suspicioase și, în multe cazuri, nu pot lua decizii de cumpărare fără să îl întrebe pe soț.

Money quote:

//nobody is reading your shit

I mean no one. Even the people you think are reading your shit? They aren’t really reading it. The other mommy bloggers sure as hell aren’t reading it. They are scanning it for keywords that they can use in the comments. “So cute! Yum! I have to try this!” They’ve been told, like you, that in order to grow your brand, you must read and comment on other similar-sized and similar-themed blogs. The people clicking on it from Pinterest aren’t reading it. They are looking for your recipe, or helpful tip promised in the clickbait, or before and after photo, then they might re-pin the image, then they are done. The people sharing it on Facebook? They aren’t reading it either. They just want to say whatever it is your headline says, but can’t find the words themselves. Your family? Nope. They are checking to make sure they don’t have double chins in the photos you post of them, and zoning in on paragraphs where their names are mentioned.


Why? Because your shit is boring. Nobody cares about your shampoo you bought at Walmart and how you’re so thankful the company decided to work with you. Nobody cares about anything you are saying because you aren’t telling an engaging story. You are not giving your readers anything they haven’t already heard. You are not being helpful, and you are not being interesting. If you are constantly writing about your pregnancy, your baby’s milestones, your religious devotion, your marriage bliss, or your love of wine and coffee…. are you saying anything new? Anything at all? Tell me something I haven’t heard before, that someone hasn’t said before. From a different perspective, or making a new point at the end at least if I have to suffer through a cliche story about your faceless, nameless kid.

You’re writing in an inauthentic voice about an unoriginal subject, worse if sprinkled with horrible grammar and spelling, and you are contributing nothing to the world but static noise.

Tot articolul e aici.



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11 comentarii

  1. De fapt controversa se naste din faptul ca sunt citite blogurile.
    Faptul ca sunt sau putini este irelevant. Faptul ca te citesc 1.000.000 sau 2.000.000 este cel mai important?

  2. dupa cum gandeste, eu cred ca e barbat, n-are cum sa fie femeie. :D

  3. Ce o zice maine cand trece efectul medicamentelor?

  4. Mare a Allah, dar Dumnezeu îl întrece!
    În rest, rămâne cum am stabilit: First World Problems.

  5. Oh, the irony.

  6. It’s a blog eat blog world

  7. Nicoleta, ai auzit?

  8. NOU


  9. NOU

    Sunt si exceptii. Blogurile de mamici „altfel”, care trateaza viata de familie si copii cu umor si oarecare ironie (si auto-ironie). Exemplul perfect – Baby Sideburns (care printre altele povesteste cum pregateste genunchierele cand sotul s-a chinuit sa aranjeze o cina romantica, etc.). Funny stuff, check it out.

  10. Oare de ce e account suspended ?


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