De la un fost angajat Zynga

Their business strategy is terrible.

Their major issues are the inability to adjust to the changing market. They did great when Facebook gaming was on the rise, but now it’s declining and Mobile is on the rise. They’re trying to change over, but employ too many of the same game development "best practices" that were developed for Facebook games. These just don’t translate to the mobile market, which is why they’re suffering in that market.

There’s also lots of other issues internally.

A lot of micro-management from the top down that stifles the creativity and hinders the production of many games.

An over reliance on every game being a blockbuster hit which makes the fun aspect of games suffer while making the money grabbing tactics all too transparent to the users.

And a serious lack of foresight over all. Too many major decisions are quick reactions to sudden changes in the market. If some games jumps to the top of the Top Grossing charts then everyone need to drop everything and change to follow it. Which wastes time, makes for bad design and ultimately puts projects behind schedule. It just means they’re always late to the party, and whatever game they’re trying to compete with has already faded away by the time their own version hits the market.

They rely too much on reacting to what is making money now, and too much on their own data. They don’t strive to make anything new or innovative and that’s no way to excel in the games market. You need to lead the pack, not try emulate the best practices of top games with the hopes that you can out perform and already established IP.

De aici. Interesant de citit tot, pentru cine vrea să vadă cum e să fii o găină fără cap, care copiază tot ce are succes. 

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10 comentarii

  1. Era prea greu o varianta de farmville jucabila de pe tableta sau mafia wars the rpg sau ce mai aveau ei…
    Aveau o baza de jucatori IMENSA, dar n-au stiut sa faca jocuri pentru tableta sau mobil pe baza propriilor jocuri deja detinute.

  2. Cam ce stie un angajat despre cum se conduce un business?

  3. Nunu, nu copiază, „urmăresc rapid”.

  4. Suspect de „loser bias” :)

  5. Zynga sunt Hawkings on steroids pe langa Bugeye….adica Glitcheye….pardon, Kixeye ( ce nume predestinat)…diferenta e ca Lageye face bani

  6. Si asta a plecat de la Zynga pentru ca simtea nevoia de schimbare?

  7. Chiar daca e hater sau nu, Zynga e in cadere libera de ceva vreme, deci se poate presupune ca e ceva adevar in cele zise.

  8. Mi-am adus aminte de Neogen…

  9. @Gaelex: e greu cu Flashul pe platforme mobile…

    Pana si pe un PC bun se misca infect

  10. stii ceva … mie nu-mi place deloc atitudinea de fost angajat frustrat sau atitudinea de consumator critic. treaba cu baietii astia e simpla: au facut balonul mare, au iesit public, au facut unii o caruta de bani si gata. cam despre asta e vorba in corporatiile de genul asta din america. nu cred ca s-au gandit nici cum sa faca jocuri mai bune sau sa le dea unora joburi. conteaza doar cate lovele au facut aia atunci cand au inceput sa joace tare … adica atunci cand au facut IPO cu o mare corporatie ce vinde merdenele

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