A small Atlanta, GA-based Internet radio station is threatening to unleash its lawyers on a technology blogger. Internet radio station Atlanta Blue Skye LLC has warned Radu-Cristian Fotescu, a Romania-based technology enthusiast and prolific blogger, that his Beranger.org blog has been „copied” and turned over to its lawyers. The issue stems from Fotescu’s posting of a widely known workaround for bypassing JavaScript functions that try to disable a mouse’s right-click context menu functionality, and the posting of information gathered from the Properties function of Windows Media Player.
nu prea e el cunoscut de români…
Vorbeam de libertatea alegerii? De economie libera, fara monopoluri? Alege America! Cea mai mare dicatatura juridica din lume!
Da de cand e ilegal sa ma uit la o pagina web fara ochelari de cal marca Microsoft?
ce prosti sunt aia, stau ei intr-un JS care blocheaza click dreapta? Fotescu asta s-a referit fix la saitul alora?
fac pariu ca minim 2 din cei 3 de mai sus sunt jurnalisti:)
incercati sa cititi articolul
da da … pai in FireFox nici macar nu „functioneste” acel script :))