banning bitcomet or the easy way out

i will write this in english, cause lately i’ve been receiving a lot of hits from outside romania, people wanting to read more about the banning of bitcomet on private trackers.

Bitcomet is a good client. Easy to use, easy to set up. Supports speeds up to 10Mb/s and works good with private and public trackers.
The problem is not the client, the problem is the user. The user does not understand what DHT is and how it affects him and others.
DHT means, basically, that the user is the tracker. More users, more trackers. This is great on public trackers such as piratebay and mininova. But these trackers have low self-esteem and the user can find here a lot of crappy stuff. PirateBay was infamous for having a lot of spyware-infested torrents.

Private trackers have more powerful rules, such as ratio, pretime and so on. The smart user will choose a private tracker over a public one. Of course, he is foced to seed, but he gets good stuff and high speed in return. Forced is a strong word, p2p is about sharing, and public trackers don’t really care if the users seed or not.

Back to bitcomet…
Banning a good client because it is not setup right is small-minded. If the user doesn’t know, wouldn’t be easy to educate him into disabling DHT rather than banning the client? Of course, just publish 2 images of what it should do and explain him why he should do that.
The guilt is tossed in the BitComet producer backyard. That can easily create a product with all DHT options disabled, making all parts happy.

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3 comentarii

  1. nici utorrent n-o sa mai reziste mult…. am vazut in versiunea 1.3 ca are setat implicit DHT

  2. Ideea e ca la ??torrent orice schimbare se face rapid, la bitcomet… trece baba cu colaci.

  3. agre, e enabled, dar daca ii bagi un torrent privat, e ok. in bitcomet nu e.


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