Fiica vrăjitoarei Mercedesa, Mihaela Izvoranu, de 14 ani, din Craiova, a fost răpită de pe stradă, duminică, de un cetăţean de etnie romă, în timp ce se afla la cumpărături cu două prietene, transmite corespondentul MEDIAFAX. Mihaela Izvoranu, zisă Strălucirea, a fost răpită de pe stradă în timp ce era la cumpărăturicu două prietene, familia […]

Studenţii şi liceenii francezi au ieşit din nou în stradă, pentru a protesta faţă de proiectul liberal de lege propus de premierul Dominique de Villepin, care prevede că angajatorul poate concedia, fără preaviz, orice tânăr sub 26 de ani, în primii 2 ani de muncă. Rebelii au devenit extrem de violenţi la Universitatea din Toulouse, […]

Nu pot spune că nu îmi surâde ideea şutului în fund administrat lui Adrian Nastase. E un circ simpatic, care îi permite lui Băsescu să îşi vadă de ale lui. Cum zicea Hurezeanu, Năstase nu este un învingător. Geoană nu este un învingător. Adevăraţii lideri ies la lumină. Iliescu şi Vanghelie, cu toata moştenirea lor […]

NEW YORK – Between an ugly feud among Blondie members spilling over onstage and a rancorous letter from the absent Sex Pistols, the latest Rock and Roll Hall of Fame class did not enter quietly on Monday. The animosity even made Ozzy Osbourne, inducted with Black Sabbath, seem sedate. full story

sau nu…doar elena a plecat…ceea ce sucs, ca tipa avea o voce foarte misto, chiar daca era paranoica si geloasa link

Last week, Twentieth Century Fox said it will begin releasing movies to video-on-demand services simultaneously with DVD releases, a goal long sought by online companies like MovieLink, which have complained that they get films too late to compete with ordinary video rentals. But the „Bubble” experiment with unveiling DVDs at the same time as the […]

Am placerea de a va informa ca am incheiat negocierile pentru preluarea companiei Blue Link Comunicazioni, care detine pachetul majoritar in trustul de presa Realitatea. Aceasta tranzactie a fost perfectata prin intermediul Blue Link Comunicazioni Cipru, al carei proprietar este domnul Vitalie Dobanda, interpusul familiei mele in raporturile juridice si fiscale cu statul cipriot. In […]

Best Motion Picture Of The Year Brokeback Mountain / Capote / Crash / Good Night, And Good Luck. / Munich Performance By An Actor In A Leading Role Philip Seymour Hoffman – Capote / Terrence Howard – Hustle & Flow / Heath Ledger – Brokeback Mountain / Joaquin Phoenix – Walk The Line / David […]

LOS ANGELES – Actor Chris Penn, brother of Sean Penn, was found dead Tuesday at his condominium near the beach in Santa Monica, police said. ADVERTISEMENT Police said they discovered the 40-year-old actor’s body around 4 p.m. Lt. Frank Fabrega said there were no obvious signs of foul play. Chris Penn’s body was found inside […]

Speaking at a news conference to launch the report, IFPI chairman and CEO John Kennedy said that legal downloading in the U.K. and Germany from such sites as iTunes, Musicload and MSN exceeds that from illegal file sharing. „Predictions are always dodgy, but I do believe that by 2010, digital music will comprise 25% of […]

The LA Times now says that ‘Daily Show’ host Jon Stewart will host the 2006 Academy Awards. There is no official confirmation yet, but sources familiar with the process say the deal is done. Stewart was first approached shortly before Christmas, was quickly wrapped up in just a few days, and is said to have […]

Looks like Joey has finally run out of friends at NBC. The struggling sitcom has been benched along with Donald Trump’s Apprentice until after the Olympics as the slumping peacock network attempts to shore up its once-dominant Thursday night schedule. noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

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