Windows Live Writer a fost tras la depou?

Deci avem un soft bunicel, pe care toată lumea care are Windows şi blog îl foloseşte? Hmm, am o idee bună de tot. Ce ar fi ca, după ce că nu ne-am prea ocupat de el să îl închidem de tot?

Cam aşa s-ar fi gândit echipa Windows Live. Au scris un ditai articolul şi nici o vorbă despre Windows Live Writer. În comentarii e plin:

Wednesday, May 2, 2012 9:39 PM

Plus it seems Windows Live Writer is dead, which is a big shame as it was the best software of its kind. Can we expect a Metro style blog writer app?

Thursday, May 3, 2012 1:27 AM

I would love to see Windows Live Writer carry on in some form or another. Its an excellent piece of software! Of course, arguably, it could just be integrated with Word (Office, Starter, Office Online)…

Thursday, May 3, 2012 11:07 AM

I simply can’t believe that such a poplar blogging editor as Live Writer is going to be abandoned! It’s like Live Mesh isn’t it? Two great programs and concepts that really are unbeatable in how they work and what they do for the user, no one else has the equivalent, yet Microsoft drops them.

Navjot Singh
Thursday, May 3, 2012 7:00 PM

Please tell me that you are not killing Windows Live Writer because you have mentioned nothing about it in the post. WordPress 3.4 will bring some vast improvements to its XML-RPC API using which WLW can really beat every other blogging software out there. Please do consider in continuing it in some form or the other.

Simone Chiaretta
Thursday, May 3, 2012 8:11 PM

Please, do not drop Windows Live Writer: it’s the best blogging application ever developed, would be a shame to drop it.

If you don’t want to keep it as it is, nor migrate it to winRT (keeping the plugin model which is what makes it shine) think about opensourcing it

Samir Saleem
Friday, May 4, 2012 2:54 PM

Windows Live Writer is the best blogging tool used by Millions including me and my team of bloggers . Sad to see it die.

Please make it alive again

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11 comentarii

  1. Birocracy = Ineptocracy.

  2. Probabil ca un studiu le-a aratat ca e prea scump sa tina zece oameni (trei dezvoltatori, un product manager, un marketing manager, doi testeri, un arhitect si doi sefi) pentru procentul mic de utilizatori care folosesc produsul acestora. :)

    Si era de asteptat. Au inchis si platforma lor de blogging de pe, nu?

    • @razvanbb: da, blogurile le-au mutat pe wordpress.

      şi testingul…le-am transmis buguri acum un an pe vremea asta şi n-au avut timp de ele :)

  3. sa vina tudor galos!

  4. Nu inteleg chiar de ce au inchis , eu tot caut un wordpress desktop editor pentru Mac si tot nu gasesc, deci practic ei nu prea aveau concurenta cross-platform.
    Oricum ma obisnuisem cu ideea ca Microsoft ori strica ceva bun , ori il omoare.
    The show must go on …

  5. Păi… nimic nou sub soare. La fel au procedat şi cu Internet Explorer când au ajuns la 9x% din piaţă.

  6. Tudor a venit :). Vom anunța în curând alte noutăți, dar eu zic că este de bine. Writer este mult prea cool.

  7. A fost marcat ca și bug, nu știu dacă a ieșit un hotfix sau se fixează mai încolo. Mai pun o întrebare

  8. Poate apare, in schimb, vreunu’ open source mai bun, daca o sa i se simta lipsa wlw-ului.

  9. LiveWriter va fi integrat cu Dragon Dictation ăla și o să scrii direct din microfon, frate!

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