ATLANTA (AP) – Investigators are looking into who altered pro wrestler Chris Benoit’s Wikipedia entry to mention his wife’s death hours before authorities discovered the bodies of the couple and their 7-year-old son.
Benoit’s Wikipedia entry was altered early Monday to say that the wrestler had missed a match two days earlier because of his wife’s death.
A Wikipedia official, Cary Bass, said Thursday that the entry was made by someone using an Internet protocol address registered in Stamford, Conn., where World Wrestling Entertainment is based.
cine să fi fost autorul?
asta da stire
echipa de PR a lu’ basic intinct 3.
poate o diferenta de fus orar… ?
OJ Simpson
the butler did it
Poate doar o coincidenta. IPul care a facut acea modificare nu facuse altceva decat sa vandalizeze alte pagini pana atunci. A se vedea si:
de exemplu, unde cel care a facut modificarile controversate a vrut doar sa se distreze, sa demonstreze ca se poate adauga o informatie falsa care sa ramana neobservata mult timp.
Intr-adevar e doar o coincidenta:
doamna moneypenny, in sufragerie, cu facaletul !
cine stie cunoaste !
Mircea Badea?
Vincent Kennedy McMahon