Știrile zilei – 15 februarie 2018

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30 comentarii

  1. Vampirul suprem contraataca. Se mișcă repede bor

  2. Pe teodorovici ala il manca nasul in 2015 cu impozitarea bisericii. Macar acum are o idee de bun simt

    • de ce, impozitarea bisericii nu e de bun simt?

    • Treaba lui, Dumnezeu nu bate cu batul. Acum suna seful suprem adunarea, se pun toti pe dondanit si vezi ca in curand il loveste dna-ul pe Teodorovici.

    • Asta este doar o petarda.

    • la cate minusuri primesti, trag concluzia ca sunt multi credinciosi pe aici. mana sus cine tine post

    • Eu cred ca prea multi confunda Dumnezeu cu biserica.
      Cea din urma e doar o birocratie. Si, dupa cum arata istoria, orice birocratie devine corupta.
      La ora actuala, e cea mai profitabila „institutie” unde nu sunt impozite, taxe, controale (exceptiile doar confirma regula).

      Iar implicarea sociala nu exista decat de dragul imaginii. Acolo unde se face cate ceva, e un OM. Ca e preot sau invatator, doar o functie.
      In rest, milioane bagati in biserici, case si masini ale preotilor.
      Are cineva date sa faca o comparatie cate scoli sau gradinite s-au construit in ultimii 25 de ani vs biserici?

  3. Frate da urati sunt adidasii aia

  4. Sper sa nu mor pana nu vad biserica impozitata si prostitutia legalizata. Si uite asa devin nemuritor.

  5. Io as vrea sa vad o demisie a Ministrului Turismului care a scos anul trecut Romania din circuitul international fiindca n-avea chef de munca. Tre sa fie un dobitoc PSD.

    Hell, as vrea sa-i vad pe toti dati afara in suturi in 2020.

  6. Ei de fapt sunt TENESI… ca adidasi sunt doar cei de la ADIDAS…

    • Poate vrei sa zici „tenisi”… Desi si acest tip ar trebui sa se refere strict la incaltamintea tensimenilor. General valabil ar fi „pantofi sport”.
      Asta asa, sa fim carcotasi pana la capat.

    • tu te uiti cand joaca Halep TENES?

    • Auzi, da’ pantofii sport de la PUMA se numesc „pume”? Sau tot adidasi? Vezi ca e o intrebare grea asta…

    • Teniși, tarane, nu tenesi.
      Adidași cu a mic, nu cu A. Sunt 2 chestii care pot fi complet diferite, așa s-a încetățenit in limba romana, nu mai ai tu ce face.

    • zici ca a invadat /r/romania aici. ce de chitibusari. Nu aveti treaba la birou? Mai xeroxati ceva mai furati un scotch.

    • Dacă insiști să fii pedant, aia e ”încălțăminte sport”, iar matale ești intestine gătite cu ajutorul focului deschis. Adică mațe fripte. Adică un cârnat. Pwp :)

  7. Cei mai vanduti ADIDASI sunt Nike si Jordan.
    Baietii de la Deisel au si reduceri:1 bucata la 20$,iar daca iei doua bucati,ti le lasa la doar 40$!

  8. Bai nene, sunt singurul care are o problema cu topurile de filme ale „criticilor”?
    Strict referitor la topul asta, cele mai bune comedii sunt > 50% alb-negru? Serios? Cine se uita la alea?
    Si unde sunt filmele gen Serendipity? sau alea cu Vince Vaughn?

  9. Mda … impozitarea Bisericii
    Aveţi curajul sa pariaţi că tot la psd or să ajungă banii că nu se uita ei in gura săracilor … doar fum ca să mai jefuiasca ceva că doar pamantul ii mai satura …

  10. boss, creste economia cu nu stiu cat la suta, cel mai bun program de guvernare si tu nimic.

  11. Bos, cum se numeste lentila care face obiectele din background sa para mai aproape? Spasiba balshoi!

  12. Zoso, ai ceva detalii referitor la Winter Black Friday la eMag, evoMag?

  13. Dear colleagues,

    I am writing to update you on the government’s plans for EU nationals currently resident in the UK after the UK leaves the EU in March next year. Full details are provided in the briefing below.

    I would like to take this opportunity to underline the University’s commitment to supporting our EU staff and students. The continuing uncertainty is not helpful and ensuring the welfare of our EU staff and students will remain a priority for the University in the months ahead.

    The Compliance Team in HR and the International Student Team are happy to advise staff and students on all matters to do with residency, immigration and visas. Contact details for these teams, and more information about their work, can be found here: https://www.hr.admin.cam.ac.uk/hr-services/visas-immigration


    Professor Eilís Ferran Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Institutional and International Relations


    In December 2017, an initial agreement was reached regarding the status of EU nationals currently resident in the UK. Under the terms of that agreement, after 29 March 2019 (the date the UK leaves the EU), all EU nationals in the UK will be required to apply for and obtain a document confirming their residence status.

    New proposed statuses for EU nationals in the UK The following will apply to all current EU staff and students at the University of Cambridge.

    EU staff and students who have been resident in the UK for five years or more by 29 March 2019 will be able to obtain ‘settled status’, which will be similar to Indefinite Leave to Remain/Settlement that non-EU nationals can currently obtain after five years in the UK. Those EU nationals who will not have been in the UK for at least five years before this date will be able to apply for ‘temporary status’, which will allow them to continue living and working/studying in the UK on the same terms as at present, and which ultimately will lead to ‘settled status’ after five years.

    Eligibility The criteria to obtain either ‘settled’ or ‘temporary status’ have yet to be formally agreed, but the government has made assurances of a pragmatic approach to applications, so that all circumstances of EU nationals in the UK can be considered for eligibility. For example, if an EU national has had periods of intermittent employment or economic inactivity or has been a student but without separate health insurance, this will not preclude an application being granted. The University welcomes this assurance and will work closely with the Home Office and sources within government to ensure the full range of circumstances for our staff are covered under the terms of the agreement.

    We also welcome the assurance that once ‘settled status’ has been granted, it will only be lost if there is a continuous absence from the UK of more than five years. This supports our representations that our academic and research staff need continued mobility to further their career and research interests, and must be able to do so without fear of losing their ability to live and work/study in the UK. For those holding ‘temporary status’, absence limits are yet to be defined, but we would expect these to allow for up to six months’ absence from the UK each year for work and leisure purposes.

    Application process At present, as this agreement is not yet law, there is no formal mechanism by which any EU national can make an application for the new ‘settled’ or ‘temporary’ status. The Home Office has informed us that they expect the application system to be implemented in autumn 2018, after which time they would invite voluntary applications. Applications would then only become compulsory after 29 March 2019, and all EU nationals would have at least two years to make and be granted an application for either status.

    The cost of either application is not expected to exceed £70 per person, and those staff members and students who have already obtained a Permanent Residence Card will be able to ‘swap’ their Card for ‘settled status’ with minimal administration and no cost. The government has made assurances of a streamlined, user-friendly, digital application process.

    Once further details of the new statuses and the new application system are known, the University will run briefings and provide personal support for any individual who requires it.

    EU staff who wish to seek advice on making an application under the current legislative framework, (i.e. for Permanent Residence cards or UK Citizenship) should contact the HR Compliance Team. Students should contact the International Student Team for advice.


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