PayPal Europe se mută în Luxembourg

From 2 July 2007, a new PayPal company, PayPal (Europe) S.à r.l. & Cie, S.C.A. (PayPal Luxembourg), will become the service provider for PayPal in the EU. This is a Luxembourg entity regulated as a bank by the Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (CSSF), the Luxembourg equivalent of the FSA. PayPal Luxembourg will provide the PayPal service throughout the EU.

On 2 July 2007, your customer relationship will be automatically transferred from PayPal (Europe) Ltd. to PayPal Luxembourg. This includes your customer relationship as governed by the terms of the PayPal User Agreement and, for applicable UK merchants, the PayPal Website Payments Pro Agreement (collectively, the „Agreements”).

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8 comentarii

  1. Mai puţin interesant atât timp căt nu

  2. Sunt curios daca asta va schimba politica de „receive money” pe care o au fata de Romania.

  3. asta e intrebarea. Isi schimba sau nu politica fatza de Romania ?

  4. Omg, am primit mailul asta pe 15 mai. Azi e 28 mai. Ce ne zice asta?

  5. Eu inca nu l-am primit, cred ca trimit si ei asa in grupe de cate doi :D

  6. daca se muta la bucuresti se chema „contra naturii” :))

  7. Mike esti pe linga… ce legatura are un simplu comunicat in care se spune ca isi muta sediu din europa cu phisingul ?!

  8. E un atac de tip „phishing”!

    Verificati existenta certificatului de autenticitate VeriSign, dati click pe el si cititi!

    Iata ce scrie in corespondenta reala, primita de la situl adevarat:

    Make sure you never provide your password to fraudulent websites.

    To safely and securely access the PayPal website or your account, open a new web browser (e.g. Internet Explorer or Netscape) and type in the PayPal URL to be sure you are on the real PayPal site.



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