o leapşă

ok, by poplar demand, here goes…

4 jobs I’ve had:
* DJ
* redactor
* sales agent
* male whore (wasn’t my fault and she was very cute)

4 movies I can watch over and over:
* The Godfather
* Dazed and Confused
* Pulp Fiction
* Natural Born Killers

Four places I lived:
* Giurgiu
* Campina
* Militari
* Rahova

Four TV shows I love:
* Sopranos
* Bundy
* Seinfeld

4 places I’ve been on holiday:
* Sweden
* Ceahlau
* Retezat
* Bucegi

4 sites I visit daily:
* www.fanclub.ro/forum
* www.computergames.ro/forum
* fuck.bash.ro
* unapezi.fourhooks.com

4 places I would rather be right now:
* in bed with my gf
* Los Angeles
* inside Andreea Marin
* home

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5 comentarii

  1. hacky, i know.
    mi-am facut ieri testul si sunt 20% gay. :)

  2. NOU

    parca ziceai ca „tagging is gay” :P

  3. *male whore? again, another proof that u are not a virgin…they keep pilling up
    *Pulp Fiction e unul din cele mai bune filme
    *we are neighbours….:shifty: tre’ sa stau cu ochii in patru
    si de aici nu pot sa trec decat la ultima…inside Andreea Marin … get in line, eu am biletul cu numarul 51.223.232, iar in fata mea e o batranica (wtf)
    PS: male whore? c’mon man…

  4. doar pe emi si pe mircica :)

  5. cunosti vreun cowboy ? :D



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