O idee despre viitorul DSLR

The new crop of DSLRs are optimized for video, no longer photography.

Different cameras and makers are coming out of the woodwork to supply cameras into the the photography market being vacated by Canon and Nikon. As the decades roll on, things have changed, and will continue to change. Canon has only been pro-popular since the 1990s, and Nikon was only pro-hot from the 1960s through the 1990s. Who knows who’ll be the top pro camera for serious shooters in 2020? It’s jump-ball between Canon and Nikon in the 2010s, since the D3 started bringing the pros back to Nikon.

I thought about it, and the Fuji X-Pro1 is a real camera, made of metal, not plastic.

The X-Pro1 has shutter and aperture dials. Nikon and Canon don’t any more.

The X-Pro1 has a real exposure compensation dial. Nikon and Canon don’t any more.

The X-Pro1 has a real AF-S, AF-C and MF focus mode lever. Nikon and Canon don’t any more.

The X-Pro1 has real exposure mode switches. Nikon and Canon don’t any more. Better yet, on the Fuji, just like Contax, you change the exposure mode by turning the shutter and/or aperture rings to A if you want them to set themselves. Done.

Oh, and the X-Pro1 makes movies too. The X-Pro1 has a built-in focus assist loupe, while DSLRs still need those idiotic Zacuto rigs.

The Fuji X-Pro1 has built-in stereo mic, while the DSLR makers are still holding that feature back for future models.

Fuji put Kodak out of business in only a couple of decades since Velvia replaced Kodachrome in 1990. Don’t think they can’t out-think Canon and Nikon. Fuji has made cameras for Hasselblad, and sold under the Hasselblad name, like the X-Pan. Neither Nikon nor Canon has ever been good enough.

We always have options, and the Fuji costs half what the old-fashioned D800 or 5D Mark III do. SLRs are relevant for film, but when cameras like the X-Pro1 are so good that their finders are as sharp and update quickly enough, make the SLR concept irrelevant if you’re shooting "digital."

When Nikon’s rangefinder cameras of the 1950s couldn’t beat LEICA at its own game, even when Nikon’s SP was supposed to beat the LEICA M3 for less money, Nikon gave up and changed the game. Nikon invented the world’s first practical 35mm SLR system, and has promptly buried LEICA ever since.

When autofocus SLRs came out in the 1980s, Canon dumped their old FD system and created a better and completely incompatible new AF (EOS) system from scratch, and while Nikon and LEICA sat out and knew that autofocus was only for amateurs. Canon changed the game, and in less than 10 years, had completely replaced Nikon in the professional world. Since Canon’s FD SLRs couldn’t win against Nikon, Canon changed the game when the market was right — and won.

Nikon and Canon can beat themselves to death over the SLR market, and Fuji gave up trying in SLRs.

Instead, Fuji is changing the game, and if it does so in its favor, might send Nikon and Canon back to where LEICA is today: a fond memory for most of us, but no longer relevant.

Scris de Ken Rockwell

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