Uneori, ideea din Kamikaze (1986) nu e asa de rea…
Plot Outline: A crazy old and bored scientist invents a system which allows him to reach through the airwaves and transform live TV cameras into weapons to kill whoever is being filmed.
Uneori, ideea din Kamikaze (1986) nu e asa de rea…
Plot Outline: A crazy old and bored scientist invents a system which allows him to reach through the airwaves and transform live TV cameras into weapons to kill whoever is being filmed.
Asta e vro’ coincidenta ca e pusa dupa Monica Dean?
hmmm…monica dean nu e nasul, maneletv, teo sau…
maneletv? exista? la ce naiba te uiti? de asta exista bitcomet aka my movie store
nu ma uit aprope deloc la tv.
ultima oara am comis-o acum 3 zile cand eram la niste amici si era nicoleta luciu si baba aia care a nascut.
pls stop! nu si telenovele!
suze…..scuze…asa a inceput si maica’mea
imi aduce aminte de:
get up
get on up
get up
get on up
* nmp3bot dances :D- i’m going to become rich and famous after i invent a device that allows you to stab people in the face over the internet
wordpress suge
Stiu ca este cam vechi articolul eu doar acum ka0m gasit si ma intrebam daca nu cumva sti de und epot face rost de film?