valisâmbătă, 22 septembrie 2012, 06:53 3380 14
Fotomodel de origine somaleză, 57 de ani, soţie a lui David Bowie (care o înşela cu Mick), a jucat în videoclipul „Remember the Time” a lui Michael Jackson.
Ce mamaieee, ganditi-va cum arata aceasta „black sister” in opozitiece romancutele noastre, bunicutele noastre ies cu sarsanaua de legume din piata si merg sa faca zacusca.
„al” lui MJ, nu „a” lui MJ, ca este vorba despre videoclip, nu despre „a lui MJ”
@amzis: la 57 de ani ai vrea tu sa te bage in seama o ”moarte” de asta
Look ireprosabil.
Daca-i pui parul de la c*r in cap, seamana cu Obama! :))
Nu cred ca are nici munca si nici stresul unei persoane obisnuite.
Cred ca-si permite o dieta personalizata, recomandata de un doctor specializat, in urma unor investigatii si analize.
Cred ca are timp pentru a face miscare si ca nu sta 10ore pe un scaun, in fata unui calculator.
Cred ca lipsa grijei zilei de maine, te mai intinereste cu cativa ani.
Majoritatea cetatenilor de culoare par mai tineri decat varsta reala. Asta spre deosebire de albi.
Bowie, Angie, Zowie…. What an outstanding family ! And how it was nice and cool ! And how they made us dream !… No such thing today with David robert Jones/Iman/alexandria …. Iman take up far too much place, she is so artificial so
much cosmetic surgery, … Breast filled with siliconne, very big calves…. I find her face really ugly . Angie was not beautiful but she at least pushed Bowie up to stars, she participated in the creation of the character ” Bowie “. IF you compare photos of both weedings, you can see very huge difference between both couples that Bowie formed with these two women and oh how much I prefer thousand and thousand times better the couple which he formed with Angie.
I hate , I detest strongly what Iman made of David Bowie, she killed Bowie.
schimba total sensul frazei „am angajat bona la copil o mamaie”
negrii oricum au beneficiu genetic de nu prea a-si arata varsta
57 de ani!!! Arata incredibil pentru varsta ei
Asta demachiata arata ca moartea cand se c. aca
@amzis: struguri de masă, două kilograme.
Ce mamaieee, ganditi-va cum arata aceasta „black sister” in opozitiece romancutele noastre, bunicutele noastre ies cu sarsanaua de legume din piata si merg sa faca zacusca.
„al” lui MJ, nu „a” lui MJ, ca este vorba despre videoclip, nu despre „a lui MJ”
@amzis: la 57 de ani ai vrea tu sa te bage in seama o ”moarte” de asta
Look ireprosabil.
Daca-i pui parul de la c*r in cap, seamana cu Obama! :))
Totusi, e normal sa arate bine.
Nu cred ca are nici munca si nici stresul unei persoane obisnuite.
Cred ca-si permite o dieta personalizata, recomandata de un doctor specializat, in urma unor investigatii si analize.
Cred ca are timp pentru a face miscare si ca nu sta 10ore pe un scaun, in fata unui calculator.
Cred ca lipsa grijei zilei de maine, te mai intinereste cu cativa ani.
Majoritatea cetatenilor de culoare par mai tineri decat varsta reala. Asta spre deosebire de albi.
Bowie, Angie, Zowie…. What an outstanding family ! And how it was nice and cool ! And how they made us dream !… No such thing today with David robert Jones/Iman/alexandria …. Iman take up far too much place, she is so artificial so
much cosmetic surgery, … Breast filled with siliconne, very big calves…. I find her face really ugly . Angie was not beautiful but she at least pushed Bowie up to stars, she participated in the creation of the character ” Bowie “. IF you compare photos of both weedings, you can see very huge difference between both couples that Bowie formed with these two women and oh how much I prefer thousand and thousand times better the couple which he formed with Angie.
I hate , I detest strongly what Iman made of David Bowie, she killed Bowie.