EditDNS s-a vândut

Pentru ca nu il mai poate administra cum trebuie, proprietarul EditDNS (un serviciu pe care il folosesc si eu pentru a administra dnsurile) s-a decis sa vanda afacerea gigantilor de la DynDns. Ceea ce suge.

About a month ago we suffered what was another DDoS in the string of what had become an ongoing issue. I turned to the DNS industry for help in fighting it off and the folks at Dyn Inc. (DynDNS.com and the Dynect Platform) jumped in to offer a hand. This was not my first dealing with Tom Daly (Dyn CTO) or Jeremy Hitchcock (Dyn CEO) as they have always been huge supporters of the growth, viability and long-term success of managed DNS services overall.

I’ll be quoted in their public announcement going out over the next few days, but wanted to make sure to inform you first. I appreciate all of your business and support over the years. I take a great deal of pride in knowing that so many of you relied on the EditDNS services and know you will be taken care of well by the team at Dyn Inc.

In the next couple months, you won’t notice any change in what happens except for who answers your support requests.  We will ultimately move people over to DynDNS.com.

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9 comentarii

  1. Daca treci peste faptul ca orcine isi poate creea adevaratulblog.zoso.ro, poti incerca freedns.afraid.org.

  2. Eu am folosit mult timp serviciile DynDns. Si nu am avut probleme. Cat timp sunt gratis nu vad unde este problema. Bafta cu noii „patroni”.

  3. Il foloseam si eu inainte.. dar stiu ca au avut odata niste probleme si au fost down si atunci am trecut pe dnsexit.com… merge ok, deocamdata! :)

  4. am avut si eu 2 domenii gazduite acolo ..

  5. afraid.org iti incetineste site-ul cu 10% si cateodata mai si pica.

  6. tot lucrezi matale in online si zici ca-i cunosti pe mai-mari .. nu mai bine apelezi la un serviciu marca Dragos Manac si-ti administrezi DNS-ul gratuit din appnor.ro ? zic si eu, parerea mea … nu dau cu paru ..

  7. Acelasi lucru s-a intamplat acum 3-4 luni (poate jumatate de an, nu stiu) cu everydns.com . Si totusi nu s-a simtit nici o schimbare



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