Last year there was ample criticism of ICANN by foreign countries, who suggested that the organization was far too America-Centric. Some wanted to see a new ITU supported coalition formed for Internet governance, though others (like China & Turkey) proposed more drastic measures. China tomorrow will launch their own DNS system, with three temporary top level domains, (.CN, .Com and .Net) that will be available only via Chinese networks. Chinese users will be routed directly through the Chinese domestic analysis server, bypassing ICANN entirely.
from here
aşa nene, ce atâtea discuţii, eu îmi fac dnsul meu şi voi puteţi să faceţi ce vreţi cu internetul vostru!
Dupa ce ca erau blocati pana in gat de catre „great china firewall” acum isi fac si propriul sistem DNS… O sa-si faca si IPv4c(hina) si nu mai au nevoie de noi…
de pe partea mea, n-au decat sa fie autonomi… oricum nu ma dau in vant dupa orezul lor
sa vezi ce internet imi trag la mine in cartier…sa moara chinezii