BitComet v0.61 Release Notes

GUI Improved: enhance BCTP link command to lunch preview window
GUI Improved: support xp themes in the embedded browser
GUI Improved: no longer popup script error message in the embedded browser
GUI Bugfix: the clip board can work in some user interface
Core Improved: support wmv/asf file in the preview window
Core Bugfix: fix the bug that DHT is added for the ‘private’ torrent after task begins
Core Bugfix: fix the bug that UDP port mapping is not released when bitcomet exit

Cat de greu era să se instaleze cu „hash check again” default?
După 20 minute, la un torrent cu flagul private nu s-a adăugat DHT ca backup. Ceea ce e bine. Se scapă de multe bătăi de cap pentru trackerele private.
De restul nu îmi pasă.

Raspuns la ce se mai vorbeste pe alte trackere.
***it hammers the tracker, and pays no attention to the tracker when it tells the client how long to wait before re-announce.

wrong, users to that.

***When it gets snubbed by another peer (basically meaning the peer refuses to give the BC client any upload because it has not been given any download from the BC client, the BC client then disconnects up to 10+ times per second to that client in an attempt to get unsnubbed.

e normal, asta e anti-labagii cu 1k upload

***It has no (working) upload slot limit, so it makes the upload bandwith so streched out that each peer only gets a few 100 bytes per second or less.

aiurea, ieri am facut upload la 6mb/s la analyze this. 4-10-20peers.

***If you request too many pieces from it (something around 100? or so), it drops ALL your requests.

n-am gasit asa ceva

***It has an abusive multi-tracker implementation (announces to all trackers in all tier always).

adminii inteligenti, care au patchul „private torrent” nu au problema asta. chiar daca torrentul corespunde 100,0000000000000000000000000%, tot nu va accepta 2 trackere pe acelasi torrent.

***It also does stupid things when making torrents (such as not use UTF-8 as the encoding for chinese, japanese, and korean users that make torrents)

laba trista.

The truth of the matter is, BitComet is faster, because it makes ALL other clients slow by the reasons I listed and more; the whole BitTorrent community would be a lot better off if everyone banned BitComet.

prefer sa nu intru pe un site (pe unele mi-am donat contul) decat sa renunt la bitcomet. este un client bun, stabil, rapid, usor de folosit, cu multe facilitati care imi plac. utorrent este o basina. mai bine ma intorc la azureus decat sa folosesc utorrent.
problema cu dht am vazut ca sa rezolvat, am testat ieri si dupa 20 mins nu au aparut peers si nici dht as backup tracker

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1 comentariu

  1. Normal. Dht-ul era marea problema la 0.60.



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