luni, 29 mai 2006, 14:02
Acum 2 săptămâni semnalam că nişte băieţi s-au jucat cu serverul Mirabilias. Fapt care, mai nou, este penal (semnalarea). Am avut o conversaţie de 18 minute cu Dragos Roua, director Mirabilis, despre acuzele pe care ni le aduce pe forumul (unde eu, nihasa şi znuff suntem făcuţi retarzi, petarde, puberi etc). Din discuţia noastră, […]
vineri, 5 mai 2006, 19:12
The MPAA released its first comprehensive study of movie piracy late Tuesday, estimating that the major studios lost $6.1 billion last year to bootlegging, illegal copying and Internet piracy. China, Russia, the U.K., France, Spain, Brazil, Italy, Poland and Mexico were the countries where piracy was more prevalent, the MPAA said. The study also found […]
sâmbătă, 15 aprilie 2006, 08:50
China has introduced regulations that make it against the law to operate a mail server without a licence. Under the new regulations, Email Service Providers must register their mail servers’ internet protocol (IP) addresses with authorities 20 days before they start operating the server. Outfits must also keep a record of all emails sent and […]
vineri, 31 martie 2006, 18:05
luni, 6 martie 2006, 06:57
…din stirea de zilele trecute, cand China si-a creat propriile DNSuri… link
marți, 28 februarie 2006, 22:24
Last year there was ample criticism of ICANN by foreign countries, who suggested that the organization was far too America-Centric. Some wanted to see a new ITU supported coalition formed for Internet governance, though others (like China & Turkey) proposed more drastic measures. China tomorrow will launch their own DNS system, with three temporary top […]
joi, 27 octombrie 2005, 11:07
Consiliul Europei si UE incearca sa adapteze exigentele libertatii de exprimare, al carei pilon este art.10 din Conventia Europeana a Drepturilor Omului, la noua realitate a spatiului cibernetic. Nu-i simplu, insa. In decembrie 2003, Comisia Europeana a dat in judecata noua tari – Franta, Germania, Suedia, Olanda, Grecia, Portugalia, Belgia, Luxemburg si Finlanda – care, […]