While trying to retrieve the URL:
The following error was encountered:
Unable to determine IP address from host name for www.evz.ro
The dnsserver returned:
Server Failure: The name server was unable to process this query.
ps: cop, i’m fine…
prosport.ro is down too.
opa, au sediu in Ferentari si au ramas fara curent?
Non-authoritative answer:
Name: http://www.evz.ro
da tot nu merje.
Taman cand ajunsesem si eu acasa si vroiam sa citesc ziaru tz tz tz.
se intampla si la case mai mari.
mda se pare ca si-a revenit.
EvZ? Cautai cumva articolul asta?
ce ma bucur ca s-a rezolvat …
a fost o problema in trustul ringier, atita tot.