10 lucruri si 8 reguli despre web 2.0

10 things I hate about web 2.0

3. The same usual suspects whining endlessly on about the same usual suspects.

5. The well-intentioned but misguided belief that anonymous loser douchebags are actually entitled to an opinion.

6. People at conference panels, pretending that the only reason they’re attending is to offer valuable insight to their fellow man, as opposed to just pimping their wares and/or scouting for consulting gigs.

9. The poplar but mistaken belief that there is a vast, unstoppable army of people in the world who actually care about this shit.

8 simple rules for succeeding on the Web

  • Have an attitude. If you have a good time presenting the content on the Web, your audience will likely enjoy reading and using it.
  • Make it easy to read. It doesn’t matter how much great stuff you pile on your site if people can’t find it, don’t know where to look or feel overwhelmed. Readers should be able to navigate your site easily.

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2 comentarii

  1. Mie mi s-a părut foarte adâncă asta cu ‘The sophomoric conceit that „The Conversation” is two-way. To quote Fran Leibowitz, „The opposite of Talking is not Listening. The opposite of Talking is Waiting”.’

  2. „The well-intentioned but misguided belief that anonymous loser douchebags are actually entitled to an opinion.” Well…cred ca acum scrie asta si pe prima pagina :))



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